Search engine optimization by Tom
Search engine optimization deals with making a website achieve the best rank it can in the search engines using various strategies and techniques. Search engines are used by internet users all over the world to find information on various topics. Search engines use a formula called an algorithm that determines how sites rank in the results that internet users see when they do a search. People that do search engine optimization try and make a site rank high in the results so this way the internet users will visit their sites.
Search engine optimization is a very hot topic with webmasters. The reason for this is because search engines can potentially deliver a lot of visitors to a website. These visitors may then buy products that a website might be selling. Search engines can represent serious income for many website owners.
Search engine optimization, or seo for short, is also a controversial subject. Part of the reason for this is that no one really knows what a search engine's exact algorithm is. So people sometimes disagree on the effectiveness of various seo techniques. There are also some people who attempt to fool the search engine to get a higher rank. Sometimes this can work but sometimes this can result in a site being banned from the search engine. Many people argue over the ethics of such techniques.
For the webmaster looking to optimize his or her site for the search engines, there are many good resources on the internet to learn the basics. This basics will cover the use of the title tag, headers (H1/H2 etc), keyword density, metatags, the choice of domain name, link and site architecture and link naming, and probably the most important aspect, link popularity. Link popularity refers to how many sites link to a given website. Link popularity and the text used in the actual links are very important to many search engines in terms of the way they rank sites.
A good base to start from is to create a website that has interesting content. This is because this may encourage people to link to your site from their sites, because they find your site a useful resource. One way links to your site are generally powerful rank helpers. So, if you want to encourage people to link to you, start with your site's content.
About the Author
Tom is a webmaster and writer. Learn more about search engine optimization.