Monday, June 06, 2005

Website Content vs. your Search Engine Rankings by Brian Basson

This is a one of the most important questions any webmaster should ask him or herself : which keywords, how much, and how to naturally include it in the site's content ? Many people refer to this plainly as keyword density.
Getting back to basics - the search engines spiders websites all over the internet. Many factors will give a site a certain rank on the search engines, including links pointing towards a site, title and description tags, but in the end, one of the most important factors is site content - Isn't this exactly why we search the internet in the first place ? We search for specific information, and relevant information is what we're hoping to get when searching a search engine. The better the content, the higher your website's rankings should be.

It is therefore extremely important to look at your site's content - what, where, when and how ! The trick lies in giving content a natural flow, like when reading a book. Content having an unnatural sound to it will most certainly distract any reader of it. Keyword stuffing has become a huge problem as many searches end up in finding a web page with irrelevant information. Luckily the search engines have started to give attention to this factor, and are penalising web sites adopting this crude method. At the same time, for any web page to draw attention to it (search engines), it is very important that the page contain a fair quantity of keywords and keyword phrases related to the topic / theme of what the page is all about. It is not that easy, but spend some time on this and the search engines will most certainly reward you for your efforts !!

Your site will also become known for it's relevant high quality content, and more and more people will regularly visit it and also link to your website. If in doubt, print out the page and ask a friend or relative to read it. They will surely be able comment on the natural sound of it or not.
About the Author
Brian is a freelance writer, website marketing expert & webmaster of 3 websites including Rank Advance at

The Importance of Title Tags on a Web Page by Brian Basson

This is a crucial point many times neglected by webmasters. Are the Title of a web page really that important, and if so, how would one optimize a title tag of a page for the search engines ?
Google and most other important search engines place a relatively high value on the "title tag" of a web page, as this normally gives a pointer or indication of what one can expect to find in the contents of that page. It is therefore very important to spend some time deciding on the best possible title for every page of your website - but stick to a title related to the contents on the specific page - failure to do so can result in that page being penalized by the search engines ! One can basically say that the title and contents need to compliment one another.

An important pointer in this regard is to have a title incorporating important keyword phrases, eg. if the contents of a page is about a Radio Controlled Car Club situated in Scotland, UK, a good title choice could be : "Scotland Radio Controlled Cars , UK Remotely Operated Car Clubs". Should you have various similar content pages on the same website, you can play around with additional synonyms, plus variations of the above title.

Stick to the focus, in this instance "Radio Controlled Cars". Do not try to optimize a title for too many different keywords / phrases at the same time. This will only be confusing for people doing a search on the search engines, for they will not know exactly what your page is about. In a way search engines can be "confused" and the indexing of your site not done correctly.

How long should the title be ? A web page title should not be longer than 10 words. Try to fit in the crux of what the page is all about, within a 10 word or less title tag. (The description tag can be a bit more explanatory)
About the Author
Brian is a freelance writer, website marketing expert & webmaster of 3 websites, including Rank Advance at