Thursday, May 12, 2005

Keyword Targeting Strategy In Your Site by Vikas Malhotra

Once the keywords have been decided for the site one has to come up with a strategy to target those keywords across the site. Here is a primer on that.

Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word:

Keyword of Single word is useful to attract general audience and helps in getting high rank ,if the web site is new. Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word is that they should be more used in the root level pages or top level domain pages. This is because these pages are the ones that attract the general traffic & are generally the pages which do not specify specifics. Hence single word keywords based on themes can be targeted for on these pages.

Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Multiple words:

Keyword of Multiple words are useful for attract targeted audience therefore should be used topic wise for each page according to subject of that web page. Relevant set of Keywords should be use in Title tag, Header Tag, Meta tag, Body tag, Alt tag, Anchor tag, Comment tag and in the url (uniform resource locator) of that specific web page. Use underscore or hyphen to differentiate Keywords. These keywords are normally targeted upon in deeper level or sub directory level pages.

Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword based on Theme:

Keyword based on theme is useful to attract targeted audience therefore they are strongly recommended to be used. Typically, although it is not a hard and fast rule but in theme based keyword we use general keywords in root level and uses specific keyword in directory level.

Overall one can safely say that in keyword targeting one uses a dart board strategy. Wherein the smallest circle attracts your core audience & hence should have theme oriented multiple word keywords. As we move up on the theme (dartboard) the circle ( traffic) tends to get larger & the keywords tends to get simpler( singular) even though they are theme based.

KEYWORDS and KEYPHRASES usage in Domain Name:

Keywords and keyphrases use in Domain Name & urls of directory pages is also a factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as it helps to inform targeted audience, about the sites content . Therefore, special care should be exercised in choosing a domain name. All the search engines start reading each web page with its respective domain name.

Having said that, let me add that there is a raging debate amongst the seo community to determine the exact importance of keywords in the domain name. One camp believes that it is hugely important to have keywords in domain whereas the other maintains that brand building domain name is more important than keywords incorporating one.

Whether keyword is a factor or not is debateble however it has been observed that domain name extensions do definitely play a part in rankings. Search engines ( specially google) have a predilection for sites having extension .gov,.edu,.mil in domain name. Search engines believe that information available at these domains would have a greater likelihood of being authentic as no commercial interest is served here.

Domain Name can be classifieds into two categories:

1. Keyword Specific

2. Brand Name Specific

Keyword Specific Domain Name

When Keywords and Keyphrases are used in a Domain name then its called Keyword specific Domain name.

Keyword in the domain name to my mind has two advantages.

One It is better to have a keyword domain name for it is worth remembering that most of the people link to you using your URL. If your URL has the keyword or the keyphrase then you are automatically using the keyword in the very important anchor tag.

Secondly, though marginally, in a ranking scenario with every other parameter remaining equal, the Keyword Specific Domain Name will enjoy a slight edge over the other web site. However remember Keyword used in Domain name should be primary and generic. Specific keywords can be used in the sub domains. Read about the use of subdomains.

Keywords and Keyphrases uses with hyphen/underscore in Domain name are said to preferred as they are read by search engines as separate words. So the domain name can have a search phrase incorporated into it. However the flip side of it is that domain names with hyphen or underscore are inconvenient to carry.

Brand Name Specific Domain Name

When company or organizations name is used in Domain Name to brand it then its called as Brand Name Specific Domain name.

Brand Name Specific Domain Name does not help online searches at all. However they are very powerful tools for company identification in the mind of users. In the anonymous online world a brand spells loyalty, trust & value. So if you choose to go for building your brand rather than deep rooted optimization, one way of incorporating keywords is through your directories & pages names.


Keyword Density is a proportion of the searched term ( Keyword or Keyphrase) against the whole words written on a given page. The ideal Keyword Density is 6%-8% though various search engines have various tolerance levels before their spam filters get activated. Higher Keyword Density does help to boost a pages ranking.

Keyword Density can be increased by using target keywords repeatedly in Title tag, Header tag, Body tag, Comment tag, Alt tag, Anchor tag, Paragraph Tag , Domain name and in diretory/page names.

However one disadvantage of trying to hike the keyword density is that the visible text on the page starts to look spammy if it is not carefully crafted. That makes for a bad copy.
About the Author
I'm an eBiz consultant and owner of Mosaic Services- an SEO Company. I regularly write and submit articles on various SE specific topics.

To find more articles, please visit my site


The first step in the area of search engine marketing (SEM) is to understand the relevance & importance of keywords. Keywords are the starting blocks of a successful SEM campaign.

So lets dig into this section of SEM (or specifically SEO, search engine optimization) by defining keywords & keyphrases.

KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES Definition : site words or phrases which/that are matched with the search words or phrases of target audience using search engines are known as keywords and key phrases.

Importance of KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES : Keywords and Keypharases are used to promote and market a website by improving search engine rankings.

Where to use KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES for Offpage Optimization : The Keywords and keypharases are used as the anchor text to link to the site. Search engines specially google attach lot of importance to the anchor text hence if there is a keyword in it, the site gets promoted for that keyword.

The Keywords and keypharases are also used to advertise, promote and market site with PPC (pay per click) and PPI(pay per impression)

Where to use KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES for Onpage Optimization : KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES are generally used with HTML tags ( title tag, meta description tag, meta keywords tags, body tag , anchor tags, comment tags, heading tags, alt tags, table tags, form tags, list tags, formatting tags, frame tags, map tags, applet tags, etc.) and in url itself. Apart from this the keywords & key phrases are used in the text matter of the page.

These are also used to create KRPs (Keyword Rich Pageswhere a specific KEYWORD and KEYPHARASE is repeated to get top ranking for that particular web page for a particular KEYWORD).

The strategy is to target one keyword or at maximum two, per page. Once these KRPs are produced it is easier to get these pages ranked with search engines. These pages then have links to other pages in the site & hence serve as the passage way for inviting in the surfer to investigate the site deeply. These Keyword rich optimized pages are also called Doorway Pages.

So lets start to introduce the keywords where they belong:


Page title is the first element that search spiders find on a web page and hence it stands to reason that the title of each page should be carefully crafted.

THE PAGE TITLE text is displayed by using .. tags in the title bar of the web browser. As it is one of the most important element of the webpage therefore most important and essential KEYWORD AND KEYPHARASE (S) must be included in it. KEYWORDS and KEYPHARASES which are used in page title are used by search engines in their result listing and they are then used by the target audience as the hyperlink to access the website from the search engine results page(SERP).

Keywords in a title is generally upto 60 characters or less including spaces. Google cutsoff title text after 60 characters when it is displayed in the SERPs. To achieve high ranking on the search engines the main keyword or phrase for the web page should appear should appear in the beginning of the title on the page. The page title tag carries significant weight in most search engine algorithms.


The page titlekeyword & kyphrases tutorial for search engine marketinguses keywords ( keyword , keyphrases, tutorial, search engine marketing)

These keywords and keypharases are dependent upon the domain, nature and objective of the web site.


Meta Tags : Meta Tags are html text which describe information about the web page. In other words they provide data about data(web page content). Meta tags are invisible on the web page. They do not appear in browser window. To access them one has to select View menu and then select sourcece option from menu bar of browser Each meta tag has both a 'name' and a 'content' attribute.

In fact Meta tags are one of the first elements I look at, while assessing a competitor web site.

Meta tags are placed after the tag (position of Meta Tags is not fixed. If you put Meta tags elsewhere the page will not suffer).

The purpose of using the meta tag is to add relevant keywords that could be used by search engines while indexing a page.


Keyword and description meta tags can hold up to 1000 characters . Keyword and description meta tags should not repeat same keyword more than seven times otherwise some search engines will regard this as spam. It is better to avoid those keywords and phrases that have nothing to do with the page although search engines do not punish pages that include keywords that cannot be found elsewhere on the page.

As you can see we have chosen not to include commas. The search engines don't mind and it opens up for new keyword combinations. "search engine optimization techniques" includes no less than eight keyword or keyword phrases, including "search engine" and "optimization techniques".
About the Author
I'm an eBiz consultant and owner of Mosaic Services- an SEO Company. I regularly write and submit articles on various SE specific topics.

To find more articles, please visit my site

Types Of Keywords by Vikas Malhotra

Keyword can be classified into three categories :

-Single word Keyword
-Multiple word Keyword
-Keywords based on Theme

Keyword(s) are basic raw material used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keyword selection must be done using Keyword Research where we use special tools to find out a list of Keywords (search terms) searched by targeted audience, recently. Keyword can be single word, two or three words, multiple words and theme based.

Lets detail each of these one by one . Understanding these categories of keywords would also help one to decide as to their targeting on specific pages.

Keyword of Single word

Keyword of Single word is used to target a large traffic but leads to highly competition category of sites. Keyword of Single word are known as generic Keyword(s) where we target general audience. Keyword of Single word does not help to target a specific page for a specific audience.

Although, Keyword of Single word helps in bringing huge traffic but these terms are mostly not relevant these days, as, searchers mostly use two or three keyword to find out their required information.

Instead single word keywords are good theme keywords.

We can use these primary keyword 5 to 7 times in a web page for good theming according of a site. The inside pages of the site can qualify these themes into product or service categories by adding qualifiers to these theming keywords.


Keyword Services will produce result of all the web sites related to Services which can be United States Department of Health and Human Services, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, direct Services, online Services, offline Services, Indian Services, American Services, food Services, agricultural Services, business Services, free Services, paid Services, etc.

Keyword of Multiple words

Keyword of Multiple words is used to target a specific traffic, which leads to high sale, top position in search result listing as well as improves page rank competition. Keyword of Multiple words are known as Specific Keyword(s) where we target a specific audience & not general searcher. Keyword of Multiple words helps to target a specific page for a specific audience.

Keyword of Multiple words, more often than not are location specific and related to geographic area of your intended services or products.

Keywords based on Theme

Keyword based on Theme are used to target a highly targeted audience, which leads to quick high sale, top position in search result listing as well as boosts page rank. Keywords based on Theme are known as Conceptual Keyword(s).

Keywords based on Theme consists all possible primary Keywords related to the web site therefore attracts high traffic of targeted audience. Keywords based on Theme add quality by providing Keyword Rich Text to search engines, which improve results and provide targeted search result listings.

Keywords based on Theme are used in each page of web site to focus on a specific topic correlated to a targeted topic or idea (theme). Keywords based on Theme effectively contribute in growth of informative pages for its site focusing on different related topics.

Keywords Targeting Strategy

Keywords Targeting Strategy is a tactic, which guides in placing primary keywords like Keyword of Single word, Keyword of Multiple words and Keyword based on Theme according to their importance for successful optimizations of the site.

Vikas Malhotra.

This article can be reprinted as long as the resource box stays intact.

I'm an eBiz consultant and owner of Mosaic Services- an SEO Company. I regularly write and submit articles on various SE specific topics.

To find more articles, please visit my site
About the Author
I'm an eBiz consultant and owner of Mosaic Services- an SEO Company. I regularly write and submit articles on various SE specific topics.

To find more articles, please visit my site