The Top 3 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Website's Search Engine Rankings- and How to Fix Them! by Richard Martin
Getting your website up and running is hard enough. After spending hours getting the HTML code just right and trying to make sure that you provide a great user experience, the last thing you want to do is change everything around in order to get your site ranked higher on the search engines. Follow these tips from the beginning and you'll see the benefits.
1)Not changing the title tag from page to page. A lot of people realize the importance of the title tag. But few sites change the title tag from page to page. If you have a large site with a lot of different pages targeting different keywords, then change the title tag to reflect the keywords of the particular page. Keeping the title tag the same throughout the site may optimize the site as a whole, but you are limiting the amount of search terms that you can use. The shorter the title the better, you don't want to get caught stuffing the title tag with too many terms. Just change it from page to page.
2) Not using a H1 tag. Use a H1 tag. Really. No, it's no 1996, but search engine bots love the H1 tag. They view it as hey, this is so important, it's in the H1 tag. Everybody got carried away with putting neat graphics and flash on their site and have neglected this tag. In fact a lot of sites use a graphical banner where their H1 should be. While these certainly look good, search engine bots can't read graphics, they are just bots. Use the H1 tag and use your keywords in it. It will help the visiting Search Engine bot determine what your site or page is about.
3)Using Home as a link text. Everyone uses home as the text to link back to their index page. However, this might not be the best choice. After all, it is a link. We all know how important links are in search engine rankings. When you use the word home, the search engine bot will chalk up another point to home for your site. Why not use a keyword as this text? If your site is about hubcaps...why not use hubcaps for the link text? This will help you in that it a)adds a link within your site using hubcaps and b) help the search engine bot figure out a little better what your site has to offer.
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Richard Martin is a contributer to The site is a collection of business lawyer listings.