Sunday, December 04, 2005

KEYWORD POWER! Stop Fumbling Around In the Dark! Get Qualified Traffic Now! by Jeff Smith

Stop Fumbling Around In the Dark! Get Qualified Traffic Now!

If you had to take a stress test right now - while someone
asks you how effective you are at selling a product online?

Would you show moderate frustration?

Register an "above average" score on the liklihood you will
strangle the next person who mentions getting rich online?

Or are you ready to pull the plug on the who freaking thing,
and start your own meat carving business?

You want to sell a product online, and everyone wants to tell
you HOW to sell a product online....BUT....

What they DON'T tell you is that it all depends on 2 simple
factors -- knowing what people want to buy AND what they
search for when they are looking.

Listen: it's taken me over 1-year to learn the TRUE meaning
of this one single word.

Everyone say KEYWORD.

Say it again -- KEYWORD.

Ok - with that out of our systems, let's look at the way that
keywords can make your life simpler, massively increase your
ability to sell products online AND...provide a formula you
can repeat again and again -- until you're tired of making

KEYWORD Tip #1: Your Product Idea

Keywords tell you what people search for on the internet.
Lots of searches for information means you can provide
answers to urgent

Study keyword combinations, discover demand and supply
ratios -- made faster with a tool like Adword Analyzer --
and you will have a window into product demand online.

KEYWORD Tip #2: Product Names and Titles That Sell

You know what people are looking for with keywords.

Figure out WHY they are using the keywords and you have
the perfect high-demand title that will sell you a ton
of products.

KEYWORD Tip #3 Sales Pages That Sell Products Online

Your sales page is only converting 1 in 1,000 visitors
into buyers?

Usually two main reasons - your copy sucks, or you are
attracting the wrong people to your website.

Guess what?

Either way - KEYWORDS come to the rescue.

Optimize your site for keywords that make sense for your
product or service. Don't go general here, get really
specific -- you want less traffic but more sales, not
a TON of traffic and virtually no sales.

Here's a little known secret.

People look for information online - they don't look
for products.

So - what you need to do is attract your visitors with
content, the content they are looking for AND THEN have
links and a menu that lead them to your products.

If you need help converting visitors into buyers - look
no further than the Hypnotic Marketer himself --

KEYWORD Tip #4: Keywords Help You Find Super Affiliates

When you arm yourself with the list of most popular
keywords your most qualified visitors use to find
information related to your products -- you can use
that information to form SUPER affiliate joint ventures
which will let you sit back and watch the money roll in.

Seek out those sites that are performing best and
optimized best for your target market's most searched
keywords - then make really good friends FAST!

Because they can make you a truckload of sales in next
to no time.

KEYWORD Tip #5 It's the ONLY Thing We Really Know About

Keywords don't lie.

The fact that "travel book" gets roughly double the
searches as "travel information" tells you exactly
how people are searching for your information (assuming
you've written a travel book)

When it comes right down to it - the comings and goings
of people on the internet is far from an exact science,
no matter what the "guru's" tell you.

But...KEYWORDS put you back in the driver seat, give you
the tools to sell products online and bring your stress
level down to a level where you may not even know who
you are anymore.

WARNING! Not All Infoproducts Are Created Equal. With
These 7 Simple Lessons, You Really Can Turn Your Knowledge
Into Income-Generating eBooks, Books, Special Reports or
Any Infoproduct Fast! Find Out How In This Complimentary
Minicourse --

About the Author
Jeff Smith is the author of too many articles to list on the topic of Creating eBooks, Special Reports and Internet Marketing. Visit his site at:

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Search Engines & Optimization by Anthony Parsons

Search engines, search engines, search engines....Who knows which one to optimize for? Why does everyone behave so silly when it comes to search engines and optimization for a particular engine or keyword even? As most know, Google is the flavour of the month. It appears that everyone is excited about it. What about the other engines? Did someone forget that they exist?

Because Google is the leading engine, this years "in engine" , word of mouth spreads, more people use it, website owners begin optimizing for it and SEO goes nuts. How easily we forget, that only a year or so ago, Yahoo was the leading search engine. Which one next I wonder?

I think it is quite humorous that people have become strung up about one particular engine and one method of advertisement because they do well for a short period. By a short period, I mean a year or two. This is short when your running a business over decades. Google changed their algorithm end 2003 and sent the world a shockwave. Someone forget to tell these many upset businesses and website do it yourselvers, that relying upon one method of advertisement is not good business practice. If that's the extent of business knowledge , then some businesses are in lots of trouble.

Florida (Google HQ) decided to change their system. As a result, many website owners, who had paid thousands of dollars or suffered thousands of man hours building a website came unstuck. Why? Because all of their efforts were built around the characteristics of one system. Who did they blame? SEO's, Experts, Copywriters, Link Building Companies, Google or anyone who would listen - often the media. Someone forgot to tell them that Google is a business, and if your manipulating a website within their search engine rankings, your messing with their business. Keeping this in perspective, only those negatively affected are crying to the press. Those businesses or individuals who gained rankings as a result of this change, strangely enough, don't have anything negative to say.

I think the moral of the story is, people need to stop attempting to over optimize a website and never concentrate on only one source for rankings. Website owners need to focus on reality and market their websites across as many engines as possible. It is also necessary to keep a focus on what you are trying to achieve. Essentially, a website to attract visitors and stimulate their attention for your information and products.
About the Author
Anthony Parsons has been performing search engine optimization since 1998. In late 2003 I decided to fly solo and opened my own SEO business to service the global community. With my wife being an acknowledged copywriter, as a business will continue stepping forward breaking the boundaries of conventional SEO techniques. Making a winning husband and wife team, we make SEO affordable for all budgets.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Why Purchase Search Engine Optimization? by Anthony Parsons

Well thats easy, so your website can actually be seen by users within search engines when relevant key terms to your website, business or product are being searched. If your website is not ranking in the top 20 for actual keywords being searched on the engines, then you definitely require search engine optimisation immediately.

It is fact that 85% of visitors to a website will come from search engines. It is also fact that over 90% of users rarely go past the first twenty results, first two pages, from search engines. It has been statistically proven that users will generally change search engines before sifting past the first two pages.

From this you can start to imagine the lost revenue and exposure that your business and website is suffering. Search engine optimisation is like a well-marketed television advertisement, your business is placed in front of the most appropriate maturity audience at a given time to achieve the best return on investment. You would not place your television advertisement about "house renovations" in the morning during the cartoons for example. This type of advertisement would be marketed during programs that are relevant to that subject. The same is achieved through professional website optimisation. A professional SEO will ensure your website appears where it can be seen at the most appropriate times. For example, when a search for "home renovation" or similar is searched, your website would then appear on the front page of a search engine. Your website will not appear when "cartoon" is entered into a search engine for example.

You have to look at Internet advertisement like this, with Billions of Websites floating aimlessly, thousands or hundreds of which are in direct competition with your website, all fighting for the front two pages of a search engine. Only a professional SEO will know how to gain that extra advantage to ensure your website can maintain a constant high ranking. Ensure you utilise a professional SEO, and I mean shop around, as a hit and miss job is no good when all your competition are continually attempting to rank over the top of your business.

I achieve steady top 20 ranking for my clients as most professional SEO do. It always depends on the market your targeting to how many visitors you will see, but try not to look at optimisation as just improving your throughput, as the actual aim is to achieve targeted throughput that will buy your products or service. The numbers game is not really for any website on the Internet, even though many play that angle, as each website is unique in content which is only required to be viewed when searched for that type of information, product or service.
About the Author
Anthony Parsons has been performing search engine optimization since 1998. In late 2003 I decided to fly solo and opened my own SEO business to service the global community. With my wife being an acknowledged copywriter, as a business will continue stepping forward breaking the boundaries of conventional SEO techniques. Making a winning husband and wife team, we make SEO affordable for all budgets.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Marketing Secret To Page Rank (PR) by Anthony Parsons

Since Google implemented PR, the link popularity consortiums have gone crazy. PR, PR, PR, that's all that anyone seems to be focused upon. Did someone forget about what makes the WWW? Freedom of information, not how big my PR is. So, what is the big secret about PR and just how do you obtain that high six and above? Its called, a great website! That's it, no more, no less. Anyone who has a great website, with information that others find useful, exciting and refreshing, will generally have a high PR. Why? Because its an informative website that people like and will happily spend their time browsing. Often, browsing leads to spending.

If people like your website, simply because the information and content appeals, users will link to your website just because they like it; not because it is made from flash or has some unbelievable design to it. That should be your focus with any website. So, what is marketing then? Stay with me for a second. Definition of marketing is; the promotion and selling of products and services! The definition of marketeer is; a person who sells goods or services in a market. Now with that in hand, your website is a MARKETPLACE. The definition of marketplace is; a competitive or commercial arena. How does that grab you? A competitive or commercial arena is why you need to have a website that stands out from the crowd.

Everyone is providing something; whether for free or with some cost involved. All are exchanging information, or selling products or services. They are all aimed to appeal to your senses, keep you browsing or finally buying, well some anyway. If your competition has a very informative website, then you need to have more information and something new that enhances the product, service or information. The free thing is well overdone on the Internet and doesn't appeal to many anymore. People are not stupid. They want quality information and value for money. That is the bottom line of any successful business focus these days, not just dollars and cents.

If you can make a website that attracts interest, then you will gain a good PR. You can reciprocate links and pay for inclusion until the cows come home, but if nobody is visiting, then all of your efforts are for nothing. You can have the best PR and still not rank well. On the other hand, you can have very little PR, and still rank like a champion within the search engines because people are staying upon your website and visiting often for more information. It must be said, that a high PR will not happen overnight. With lots of work, exposure and time it will happen. Good information and good marketing will bring many visitors, converting into sales and/or a quality website sustaining a great Page Rank.
About the Author
Anthony Parsons has been performing search engine optimization since 1998. In late 2003 I decided to fly solo and opened my own SEO business to service the global community. With my wife being an acknowledged copywriter, as a business will continue stepping forward breaking the boundaries of conventional SEO techniques. Making a winning husband and wife team, we make SEO affordable for all budgets.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dispelling the Myths - Will WebPosition Get My Site Banned from Google? by Matt Paolini

Dispelling the Myths - Will WebPosition Get My Site Banned from Google?
by Matt Paolini

In mid November of 2003, Google seriously revamped their ranking algorithm. As a result, many sites were dropped from their index, or fell dramatically in rank. This infuriated many Web site owners at the height of the holiday buying season.

Since that time, many accusations have been thrown at Google as to the reasons why this happened. Some say its a plot to encourage people to buy Adwords listings. Others have even theorized WebPosition is somehow to blame. Still others cite more traditional causes.

As soon as Google changed their algorithm, many WebPosition Gold customers whose sites had dropped contacted me demanding an explanation. They wanted to make sure their sites were not dropped because they had used WebPosition Gold. I reassured them that this was not the case. I went on to explain that many thousands of sites were dropped that don't even use WebPosition Gold.

Many of our customers even saw their rank increase. In addition, most of the time the site had not actually been banned from the index. It had simply dropped in rank.

In this article, I will attempt to dispel many of the pervasive myths regarding WebPosition Gold and Google. Ive used WebPosition for years on my own site and for clients. Ive also helped provide technical support to others using the product. Therefore, Ive been on both sides of the fence, and thereby feel uniquely qualified to address the most common questions that tend to come up:

1. Will running automated Reporter Missions on Google get my site banned?

No. Despite repeated rumors, when running a Reporter Mission, WebPosition Gold does not pass personal information, such as your name, address, email, Web site URL or domain name to Google. Instead, it conducts queries as a normal browser would, and then examines the results offline. With that in mind, Google cannot determine if you're running a query relating to a specific domain. The only information that is passed to Google is your "IP" address. In most cases, your Web site's IP address is different than the IP address of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). So, how can Google connect the two? Simply put, it can't.

Google states on their FAQ page that they do not recommend automated queries to be run on their service because it utilizes server resources. Yet, most businesses find it impractical not to measure their search engine rankings at least occasionally. Its also hardly reasonable to check ranking by hand in Internet Explorer, which for the same keyword list, would yield the same number of queries on Google anyway. Therefore, most businesses optimizing their Web sites find it impractical not to use some kind of automated tool to monitor their progress and to measure their visibility.
Working as a search engine marketer myself for many years, Ive found that the best policy is to simply be sensitive to the needs of the search engines. Avoid being abusive in your practices, whether it is your optimization strategies, your submissions, or your rank management.
Therefore, when using WebPosition, I often recommend the following strategies:
1.Avoid excessive numbers of queries if you choose to check your rankings on Google. Most people do not have time to improve their rankings on hundreds of keywords. Therefore, theres no need to rank check on hundreds of keywords if you don't have the time to do anything about that many different rankings anyway. While your site wont be banned from excessive queries, Google could block your IP address that you use to connect to Google, if it found your query volume to be excessive. This is true regardless of what tool you may use, even if its a browser.

It has been my experience that a blocked IP is extremely rare even among consultants conducting rank checks for dozens of clients. Presumably, Google would not want to accidentally block an IP that does a large volume of queries simply because its shared by many different users. Even so, its always a good idea to practice a little common sense.

2. If you choose to run queries, try to run most of your queries at night and during off-peak periods, which is something Google has suggested in the past. This is when many of their servers are presumably standing idle, waiting to handle the increased volume during peak periods. The WebPosition Scheduler makes this easy to do.

3. Do not run your queries more often than is really necessary. Since Google normally doesn't update their entire index more than once a month, there's limited benefit to checking your rankings more often than that.

4. As an alternative to Google, consider checking your Google rankings using Yahoo Web Matches or another Google clone engine in the Reporter. Although these rankings can vary slightly from, they're normally close enough to give you a very good idea of your actual Google rankings without checking Google directly.

5. With WebPosition Gold 2, you can also use the "Be courteous to the search engines" feature on the Options tab of the Reporter so you dont query their service so quickly. This gives you added peace of mind not found in many other automated tools, assuming you don't mind your missions taking longer to run. The Submitter has a similar feature to submit randomly at various time intervals.

2. Can I use WebPosition Gold to get my competitors' banned from Google?
No. If running automated queries on Google with WebPosition Gold would result in your site being banned, you could use it to get your competitors' banned from Google. However this is not the case.

Google even verifies this on their web site. They don't specifically name WebPosition Gold in this section; however, they do mention that there is nothing you can do to get your competitors' banned from Google. For more information on this, please see the "Google Facts and Fiction" document at Google's site.

3. Will over submitting my site get me banned?

No. Many people think that Google will ban your site if your submissions exceed the recommended daily limits. If this were the case, we could over submit our competitors' sites and easily get them banned from Google.
Google is very clear on this and even states that over submitting will not get you banned. Even though over submitting will not get you banned, some of your submissions might still be ignored or discarded if they break the rules. Therefore, I recommend using the "Slow Submit" option in WebPosition Gold's Submitter and staying within WebPositions recommended daily limits. Some people argue that manual submissions are best. However, manual submissions cant warn you if you inadvertently over-submit, make a typo in your submission, or forget what you submitted and when.

For achieving top rankings, and staying indexed long-term, the best submission technique may be to not submit at all. Instead, try to establish third party links to your Web site and wait for Googles spider to find you on its own. WebPositions Page Critic offers numerous strategies for doing this.

4. Will Doorway or Entrance pages get me banned from Google?

That depends on whether these pages contain spam. If your definition of a doorway page is a page full of irrelevant or duplicate content, and excessive keyword use, then yes, you could find your site banned. Thats how Google often defines a doorway page. Consequently, the term doorway has developed a negative connotation over the years.

If your optimized page is nothing more than an extension of your main web site that happens to contain search engine friendly content, then youll be fine. In fact, youll be rewarded for the effort through top rankings. The key is not whether you label a page a doorway, entrance, optimized, informational, or whatever page. The key is whether the page contains quality, relevant content that provides the search engine with what it wants to see.

Google mentions that they discourage the use of doorway pages because they fear that webmasters will optimize for keywords that are not relevant to the pages content. This is a legitimate fear as they are in the business to provide relevant results to their visitors. However, if you create pages that contain what Google is looking for, then obviously Google will not penalize this page, or view it differently from any other page on your site.

With this in mind, here are a few of my tips on creating Google-friendly pages:

1. Always Include Relevant Content - Make sure that the content on each of your pages is relevant to your site. Many sites have various resources on a number of different topics. This is fine, as long as the overall theme for your Web site is solid. I would also suggest that you organize your related content into individual directories. Some businesses find it beneficial to organize each sub-theme of their site into a separate domain so they can cross-link the domains. If you do this, make sure you have links from other sites as well.

2. Avoid Duplicate Content - Create each page with unique content. If you are targeting different search engines for the same keyword, then you may find that you have some very similar content between certain pages. If this is the case, you can always create a robot.txt file to tell each search engine crawler not to index a page or directory that was created for another search engine. See the October 2000 issue ( of MarketPosition for more information on creating a robot.txt file.

3. Avoid Keyword Stuffing - Creating pages that excessively repeat your keyword phrase is definitely not a good idea. This almost always will throw up a red flag to the search engine and is one of the most common forms of "spamming." How many keywords is too many? See WebPositions Page Critic for up to date, specific recommendations regarding how many words and keywords are recommended in each area of your page.

4. Design Good Looking Pages - Although Google cannot tell if your page is aesthetically pleasing, it is recommended that you create pages that look good and fit the theme of your Web site. This will definitely increase the click through rate from the arrival page to the rest of your Web site.

5. Avoid Using Hidden Image Links - Many site owners think they can fool Google by including transparent 1x1 pixel image links on their home page that point to their optimized pages. These are very small images contained in a hyperlink that are not visible to the naked eye. This can get your page dropped from Google's index.

6. Avoid using links that have the same color as the background on your page - Many site owners try to hide the links on their home page by making the text color the same as the background color of the page. As with the scenario above, this can also get your page banned from Google.

7. Avoiding using Javascript Redirection Techniques - Many Web site owners have implemented the use of Javascript to redirect a user to another page while allowing Google to crawl the page that includes the Javascript code. This did work for a while, but Google eventually caught on. Other forms of redirection, like IP cloaking are also frowned upon by Google.

In Summary:

The rules regarding each search engine change routinely. Thats why WebPositions Page Critic is updated monthly to keep pace. As a search engine marketer, its critical that you keep informed as to the latest search engine rules and strategies.
It's also important to understand that WebPosition Gold is only a tool. When used properly, it will not get you banned or blocked, and will in fact improve your rankings dramatically. However, as with any tool, you can choose to ignore its recommendations and to go your own way. For example, you can use a hammer to build a fine house, or you can take that same hammer to knock a bunch of holes in someones wall. Ultimately, this call is up to you, the user of the tool.

This article is copyrighted and has been reprinted with permission from Matt Paolini. Matt Paolini is a Webmaster and support specialist for FirstPlace Software, the makers of WebPosition Gold ( He's also an experienced freelance Search Engine Optimization Specialist and Cold Fusion/ASP.NET/SQL Server Developer/Designer. For more information on his services, please visit or send him an email at

Interested in reprinting the above article?

When reprinting the above article, you must include the final credit paragraph which physically links to my Web site. If you'd like to rephrase the credit line or change the wording of the article for your audience, then I will try to accommodate you. I ask that you email me at with a copy of your proposed revisions for approval before reprinting it.

We simply require two things:

1. You must maintain the accuracy and general intent of the content.

2. We need to obtain an appropriate credit and link in exchange for your use of the article.

Thank you and we wish you the best of luck in your business!

About the Author
Matt Paolini is a Webmaster and support specialist for FirstPlace Software, the makers of WebPosition Gold. He's also an experienced freelance Search Engine Optimization Specialist and Cold Fusion/ASP.NET/SQL Server Developer/Designer.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

PPC For Dummies - Part Two Of Two by Scott Van Achte

Two of the most important factors of any Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign are creating successful ads and deciding how much to pay per click. There are many PPC options out there to choose from, I am going to focus on the two most popular, Google AdWords and Overture.

Creating your ads for AdWords
Creating your ad copy is the single most important part of any ad campaign. You want your ad to stand out amongst the others and scream out click me!' If your add looks and says the same thing as everyone else users will simply pass it by.

Before creating your ads you need to determine your target market and keyword selections. If your company focuses on a specific market niche try to target your ads in regards to that niche. Properly targeted ads will almost always out-perform those directed at a general audience.

When creating your first ad be sure to fit in your main keywords either in the title or near the beginning of the body text. Say something to draw attention by using call to action phrases and words that provoke enthusiasm and response. Things likeSave on DVDs," "Get cheap stereos," or "Join now for 20% discount, etc. Just be cautious, if you advertise something that you don't offer, Google will pull your ad. If your ad says you have something for free, you better have something for free listed on your landing page! Always be sure to follow Google's Guidelines .

Once you are happy with your first ad, create 3 more ads that are radically different from the first. After 3 or 4 days take a look at how your ads are doing. (If you are using less frequently searched terms you may have to wait 1-2 weeks for better results.) Check the click through rate (CTR) of each ad. In most cases one of the 4 will show to be out-performing the rest. If this is the case, delete the poorly performing ads and create 3 new ads that closely resemble the successful one, each with subtle differences in the title and body text.

Again wait 3 or 4 days to see which of the ads is out performing the rest. If you again notice that one stands out, repeat the process. Eventually you will end up with 4 quality ads that are performing equally. Once the ads have leveled out, continue to keep an eye on them, I recommend daily. If one begins to slip, slightly tweak the wording. You must always keep an eye on your ads if you wish for them to continually perform well.

Determining your Max Cost Per Click with AdWords
With AdWords when you enter your MAX CPC, it will then show you what Google estimates your average position will be for each keyword. ( The position predictions provided by Google are based on historical data from previous advertisers and are not 100% accurate, but it will give you an idea what to expect.)

Unfortunately there is no way to see what the competition is paying, so in most cases it's a bit of a duck hunt in the beginning. I suggest starting out with a MAX CPC slightly higher than you would normally, this will give you a slightly higher ranking and increase your chances of accumulating clicks. If your ad performs really well your rank will increase. As you begin to establish a good click through rate (CTR) you can adjust your max CPC to reflect the position you wish to obtain. (See part one of this article to find out how Google ranks ads.)

Creating your ads for Overture
With Overture, writing the perfect ad is slightly different than with AdWords. Overture only allows you to create one ad per keyword, so this takes away the option of trying out various ads and going with the obvious winner, however, the basis for creating your initial ad remains virtually the same. After you have selected your target market and main keywords, write a specific ad targeting each individual keyword and be sure to include the keyword in the title or beginning of the main body text along with a call to action phrase or something that is sure to draw attention. Remember to check the status of your ads on a weekly basis, and tweak as needed. Keep and eye on your click through rate and regularly tweak poorly performing ads

Determining your Max Cost Per Click with Overture
Deciding how much to spend on Overture is simple. Take a look at what the competition is spending, and out bid them. With Overture you should always try to be in the top 3 if you wish to have your ad dispersed among partner sites. (Yahoo, Lycos, MSN, etc). If the number 1 spot is currently paying 25 cents per click you need only bid 26 cents to grab the number 1 spot. If you want the number one spot, but are also willing to pay more, you can bid 40 cents, and will only be charged the 26 cents. One penny above the competition. Keep in mind though, if someone else increases their bid, your actual cost will also increase up to the max CPC you have entered.

Managing an AdWords or Overture PPC campaign can be confusing at first, but it doesn't take long to get a handle on what works. Creating a highly successful ad the first time around with either AdWords or Overture is a rare occurrence, but with a bit of regular maintenance and a well targeted campaign it won't take long to start seeing results.
About the Author
Scott Van Achte is a Search Engine Optimization Professional and PPC Manager at StepForth Search Engine Placement Inc. Based in Victoria, BC, Canada. You can read more of Scott's articles and those of the StepForth team at or contact us at Tel - 250-385-1190 Toll Free - 877-385-5526 Fax - 250-385-1198

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Keyword Density by Kristy Meghreblian

We can't emphasize enough the importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords are the words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As we've mentioned throughout the site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore, the more keyword-rich content you have, the better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it won't recognize pictures or images. So, if you have limited amounts of text (or none at all) and you've got a lot of beautiful pictures or Flash animation, the spider may deem your site unworthy of listing.What Is Keyword Density? Keyword density is the ratio of a keyword or key phrases to the total number of words on that page. It is one of the most critical aspects of successful search engine optimization. To improve your search engine ranking potential, your keyword density must be just right. To calculate your keyword density, divide the total number of words on your page by the number of times your primary keyword or key phrase appears. Keyword density is critical when outlining the keyword portion of your search engine optimization strategy.Naturally, there is a fine line between strategically scattering these keywords throughout your content versus grouping them all together, separated by commas. The latter is known as spamming and you will get penalized for doing it. Don't think you can fool the search engines -- they have the technology to figure out these little tricks.Using Keyword Density To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking The best way to increase your search engine ranking potential is to develop your keyword strategy by researching the most relevant (and most searched for) keywords or keyword phrases before you even begin building your site. So, you've already built your site? No worries -- you should still consider reviewing the keywords you have selected and make any necessary changes to your meta tags and site content. No matter how nice your site looks, you won't get high search engine rankings without the right keywords. And remember, if your site has a lot of graphics or Flash animation with little content, we encourage you to consider a redesign. We understand that most site owners who fit into this category have spent a lot of money for these beautiful sites, but what is the purpose if they aren't getting the high rankings?That being said, here are a few tips on using keyword density to maximize your search engine ranking potential:1. Use our Search Term Suggestion Tool (powered by Overture) to research your keywords. This powerful tool will direct you to the most popular keywords for your specific business based on how many times that keyword or keyword phrase is searched for each month. You can then take that information and develop your keyword strategy based on those results.2. Incorporate these keywords or keyword phrases in your meta tags as well as your site content. People often forget that search engines will spider the heading meta tags first because they preceed and stand out from your main site content.3. Write keyword-rich content that not only satisfies the search engine algorithms but is equally informative for customers visiting your site. This is the most difficult part of writing your content - but also the most critical.4. Try to write at least 300 words for each page on your site. Again, the more content you have the better chance you will have to include those all-important keywords you diligently researched and ultimately selected. 5. Too often we see content saturated with too many keywords that, as popular as they may be, just don't relate to the site itself. Avoid doing this - it will only irritate potential customers. 6. Web sites should be updated on a regular basis -- don't let them go stale. Add new products/services, update users with new information and tools, do what you can to change your content (keyword-rich content, that is!) and keep users coming back for more.
About the Author
As Submit Todays copywriter and editor, Kristy Meghreblian has written online content for many successful companies, including She has successfully combined her excellence in journalism with the delicate art of keyword density as it relates to search engine optimization. As a result, she has helped many Submit Today clients achieve top ranking. Submit Today is a leading search engine optimization, submission and ranking company located in Naples, Florida.